Today’s marketing environment is dramatically different from that of only a couple of years ago. Before, you could advertise or use coupons to get customers in the door. People would “give you a try” if they had an emotional motivation or incentive to do so. Treat them well and they would come back.
Currently, people don’t have to give you a try. They let others try for them. All they have to do is look you up on line and dozens of review sites will have the opinions of perfect strangers ...
Author: cftdsi
Social Media Marketing
Social media is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your customers, to keep your business in front of them in relevant ways. Social media tools make it easy for word of mouth marketing to help your business take off quickly and efficiently.
Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. The resulting electronic word of mouth (eWoM) refers to any statement con...
Watch Out Yelp and Foursquare — Facebook Is Flexing Its Local Muscles
From: Street Fight
Justin Moore, an engineering manager at Facebook, offered a full-throated pitch for the company’s local data initiatives during an event Thursday. The Foursquare engineer says a team in the company’s New York office has spent the past two years turning the 32 billion pieces of location-tagged content to create the "riches and largest" place database in the world.
Facebook Lets Restaurants Post Menus to Their Pages: Mashable
Aiming to keep...
Crucial Conversations — August 12-13-2014
Presented By: Vital Smarts
Crucial Conversations Coming to San Francisco, CA—August 12-13
Join us for a two-day Crucial Conversations Training to learn skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics.
For trainer certification options, contact Tara McCabe at
Register today to attend Crucial Conversations in San Francisco August 12-13, or visit the Vital Smarts site to find a training course in...
Reach: Learning Elevated — July 29 – 31, 2014
onWe'll take a assume that you work with, sell to, lead/manage, or train other people.
Should our assumption actually be correct and you do in fact interact with other humans and are looking for ways to influence their behavior (and your own), then "REACH" is for you. Yes, you. "REACH" is a unique learning experience that pairs best-in-class content designed to motivate you to think differently and become a more powerful influencer with a plethora of other bonuses to add..
"REACH" will take...
Welcome to: DSI, Inc.
- "If it works, it’s obsolete!" -
Media visionary Marshall McLuhan said that more than 25 years ago and it is an idea that endures. The translation: what made us a success won’t keep us successful going forward; what got us here won’t get us there. In the turbulent months to come. Some organizations will heed that message. Others will not. In one way of thinking, we might advise; if it's not broken -- break it!
When the dust settles on this economic transformation, in each market segment ...
How to Stay Focused on Creating Value
It's Friday -- Accomplish Just One Thing Today...
Are you generally proud of what you have accomplished at the end of the workday? Have you ever written down what you do every day? And what about Friday, do you just start planning for the weekend at the beach and figure that Mondays are better days for getting stuff done?
This is important to ponder because an individual is defined by her actions and an organization is a sum of the actions that its employees take. I have been thinking ...
Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe
Simon O. Sinek, (born October 9, 1973) is an author best known for popularizing the concept of "the golden circle" and to "Start With Why", described by TED as "a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" He joined the RAND Corporation in 2010 as an adjunct staff member, where he advises on matters of military innovation and planning.
His first TED Talk on "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" is the 3rd most viewed video on ...
When ‘Going Lean’ Goes Wrong
In recent years, the “Lean Startup” movement, championed by Eric Ries, has really caught on. This philosophy encourages companies to find winning ideas through efficient cycles of building, measuring and learning, which has led to the widespread adoption of popular concepts like “minimum viable products,” “data-driven decisions” and “failing fast.”
Today, many if not most start-ups, including mine (RJMetrics), now pride themselves on having “lean” behavior built into their DNA. As this generati...