Welcome to: DSI, Inc.
"If it works, it’s obsolete!" - Media visionary Marshall McLuhan said that more than 25 years ago and it is an idea that endures. The translation: what made us a success won’t keep us successful going forward; what got us here won’t get us there. In the turbulent months to come. Some organizations will heed that message. Others will not. In one way of thinking, we might advise; if it's not broken -- break it! Because, when the dust settles in this economic transformat...
Welcome to: DSI, Inc.
- "If it works, it’s obsolete!" -
Media visionary Marshall McLuhan said that more than 25 years ago and it is an idea that endures. The translation: what made us a success won’t keep us successful going forward; what got us here won’t get us there. In the turbulent months to come. Some organizations will heed that message. Others will not. In one way of thinking, we might advise; if it's not broken -- break it!
When the dust settles on this economic transformation, in each market segment ...