About Us

Charles ToneyThe spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and well at “DSI, Inc”. The seed of this spirit was planted by my father (James Toney) who was a Mason, a carpenter, a master salesman and a community leader. Most of all, as far back as I can recall, he always wanted to be a businessman. But, because of the circumstances of time, place and lack of critical resources, his dream of entrepreneurship never achieved its full potential.

Fast forward until today and the environment for entrepreneurship for just about anyone is entirely different (especially since the economic down-turn of 2008). The Internet, technology (particularly communications technology), and the socio-economics of the global village have disrupted all of the conventional structures, processes and methods that formerly were barriers to entering into any type of business enterprise. In today’s environment an aboriginal in Australia, or a woman in Brazil, or even a disabled African American from Louisiana (referring to myself) who has a dream of business ownership, can muster the where-with-all to fulfill that dream.

That is what we are about here at the “DSI, Inc”! Our dream is not only to create and sustain our own business. It is to create a business that leads the field in providing products, services and information that will enable other common folks, like ourselves, who aspire to having their own business, perhaps starting out in their apartment or garage and sticking it out to the creation of their dream. It is with this vision in mind and an image of my father’s hopes, that we rise each day to do the work of living our dream. It’s a blast!!!

Thank you for visiting our website and learning a little bit about us! We invite you to come back often and we hope that this is the beginning of a long-term relationship.

Best regards,

Charles F. Toney


Other parts of our business:

_ Digital Video Agency  

_ Local Marketing Solutions

_ The Jamison consulting Group

_ Internet Marketing Know How

Where Entrepreneurs Meet!


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